Story. Lesson. Advice.

Nice to Meet You - Movies!

Justin Olivares Season 2 Episode 18

Today is a departure from my weekly format. I wanted to say, "Nice to Meet You" and tell you a bit about myself. One the ways for us to get to know each other is through movies. So, here are 10 of my favorites with a personal story to go along with each. 

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All right, let me tell you, if you're going to record a podcast, it is critical that you actually push record on the microphone, learn that the hard way as we are now nine minutes into a recording that I thought was happening and was not actually happening. So let's try this again. Welcome to a special episode of The Story lesson advice podcast. This time, what I thought I would do is take a break from what I'm normally doing, and kind of run through every month or so periodically, some of the things that I like or do not like or have been important to me or whatever, just to try to share a little bit about me and hopefully give some perspective as to kind of Why think some of the crazy stuff that I do. So this week are talking movies, I'm going to give you 10 of my favorite movies, not necessarily the 10 best or whatever, but I'm going to give you 10 of my favorite movies. Starting with number one, this is the all time my all time favorite movie, the greatest movie in the world, in my opinion. The first the matrix, the original matrix, just groundbreaking in every way. Amazing. But here's the funny story about it was that when this movie came out, and the trailer came out, and the reviews and everything I was like nope, not gonna see it. It looks dumb. Keanu Reeves, he looks like a plank of wood not interested. And later that summer, which was in July or something, bunch of friends and me boys and girls, because we are still 19 at the time. So I guess you could call us men and women. But we'll say boys and girls, we were staying at a friend's house in Milwaukee because the next day we were going to a Britney Spears concert. So yeah, maybe you should call us boys and girls, we are going to a Britney Spears concert. That's right. So the night before we're hanging out and in the basement of this girl's house. And a whole bunch of us were staying over and she had on the matrix. And I just kind of call it out of the corner of my eye was it really like paying attention all of a sudden I saw and I think I did one of those dad things where they stand up and watch a movie in the living room just kind of standing off to the side with their arms crossed. That's what I did. I don't think I moved for like two hours. I just kind of stood there with my arms folded, staring at the TV just completely enveloped in this amazingness known as the matrix. And I mean obviously groundbreaking for its time, but man, you can definitely tell movies action movies made before the matrix and action movies made after the matrix. There was a giant divide in special effects and stunts and all of that kind of stuff. But just an amazing movie. I've seen it a billion times I went out the next day after I saw it in the basement and bought it on VHS and bore the damn thing out and was just like totally obsessed with those movies. You know, the subsequent ones kind of each one was a little a little less good than the one before it, but just awesome. Groundbreaking. And the first one man oh man, was that just amazing. Another movie that just took me by surprise and ended up being way better than I ever thought it would be was Ironman with Robert Downey, the very beginning of the MCU is as we know it. I know. Now the MCU is kind of in shambles. And every movie is just a CGI slugfest with with you know, just a sort of a disaster. But for me that first Ironman all the way through to endgame, that whole arc that 20 Some movie arc over 10 years, that was just so impactful to me. So really cool. I never was into comic books, I never paid attention to superheroes as a kid, like none of that was my was my jam at all. But I don't know what it was but seeing Robert Downey as Iron Man, and that movie was as real as you could ever hope it to be. For something like that for a superhero like that, and just unbelievable. And that period of time that 10 year window of time. With with all those Marvel movies leading up to endgame was just amazing. After a few years, I remember when Beth and I, my wife were married, before we had kids, you know, a lot of times on Friday nights, we were just cashed after work. So we would just kind of do whatever at home and going to bed at night we would you know, throw the sleep timer on the TV usually or whatever, always have something on in the background. And there was that period of time where all these Marvel movies were always on you know, there was an Ironman or an Avengers movie or or a Thor movie or something like that. And it was just like, that was such a part of my life for a long period of time. Just great. Loved it. Another movie, that as a kid, man, this just blew my mind was back to the future. And I think a lot of kids that grew up at that time. We're all in the same age. We're all in our 40s now but man, that movie and even all three of them. The trilogy was just awesome. And the concept of it and at first back to the future. I think a lot of film schools talk about that as one of the best movies ever just in terms of pacing and story and character development and everything. The funny story is so in the second one that was the one where they went into the future and they had the hoverboard and they had those Nike shoes with the that were self lacing. And all that stuff was awesome. But I was so enamored by the hoverboard, that about a year before this movie came out, I had bought a skateboard. That was a Back to the Future skateboard because I wanted to skateboard strictly because of Marty McFly. And I was terrible at it the entire time. And then when the second one came out, I actually got hot pink or neon pink spray paint. And I spray painted the my skateboard pink to match the pink of the hoverboard. That was in the movie. And the funny part about this is with the leftover spray paint, my friends convinced me we had this huge cinderblock retaining wall in our driveway. That was was pretty big. It was probably six feet tall, seven feet tall. And you could see it clear across a Lake. This lake we lived on a little like a small lake and you could see it clear across the lake all the neighbors and there's a bunch of houses all around. And my my friends convinced me at the time to spray paint with this hot pink is big as I could the word poop. That's right, the word poop spray painted in neon hot pink on this giant gray retaining wall. So I did it. And my parents got a call from people across the other side of the lake. And they said you've got poop spray painted on your wall. My parents thought there was actually like poop on the wall like dog poop or something like that. So they didn't understand. And then they came outside. You can see I'm not kidding, like, hundreds and hundreds of feet away 10 football fields away, you could see poop. Each letter was probably six feet tall was almost the entire length of the retaining wall giant letters. So we ended up taking the retaining wall down. But yeah, that was one of the few times I got in trouble. Another movie that goes back to my childhood, even though it wasn't in my childhood. As a kid, my dad got me into all the James Bond movies. And we would spend all this time watching them down in the basement of our house or in the living room and hanging out. And they would always run TNT or TBS would always run a bond marathon during I think it was March Madness. It was always during March. And we would always watch this together, my dad and I would stay up late and we would watch all the movies, the old Sean Connery and Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton movies and everything. And I loved him as a kid and you watch those now and they're still kind of okay, but man, the pacing is really bad and the dialogues bad and everything but I was so into bond. And then in 2000 and mid 90s Pierce Brosnan took over the role Goldeneye came out the video game became such a huge hit just such an awesome movie and game and everything. And then his movies, each one of them became less and less good. He was still really good at um, but just the movies themselves were kind of like, what the hell's going on. So by the end, it was just like, whatever. And then a couple years went by, and I thought well, I'm probably not going to see the bond character for a while. And then Daniel Craig with Casino Royale and just blew my mind about the kind of movie that a Bond movie could be. And like the most accurate representation that you could get of what a character like that would actually be. So that was so awesome. And I was such a huge Bond fan as a kid growing up for my 21st birthday. My dad got me, the James Bond, watch the Omega Seamaster. And I've had it now for over 20 years, it stopped working. I tried to get it fixed, and it was going to be just an exorbitant amount of money to get it fixed. So I still wear it. It doesn't work. But I still wear it just in kind of remembrance of my dad and all of our memories, watching the Bond movies and everything. But man, Casino Royale, Daniel Craig, best bond ever best Bond movie ever. Just fantastic. Alright, so this is the point previously where I realized that I wasn't recording. So this is going to be new. So I'm excited about this. Another movie that I was so set at movies that I was such a huge part of my childhood was Star Wars, obviously, I can I can feel right now my wife rolling her eyes, as I'm saying Star Wars right now. But they were a huge part of my life. My dad and I used to watch them all the time again. And they were so great. And when the prequels came out, even though they weren't great. Just the fact that there were new Star Wars movies, like I'm going to a Star Wars movie with my dad or with my friends. Like they're just so amazing. And then the new ones came out in 2015 started coming out with the Force Awakens and everything. But for me, the best Star Wars movie is Rogue One. And I might get some pushback on that. But the reason why is I think it was the least it was the least and most Star Wars at the same time. You know, it was the least you know, there are no lightsabers, none of that jazz. But man it was that was the first movie I felt like Star Wars. The if you were in Star Wars, that's what it would feel like the scale of the ships the way that the action was shot. It really made You get a sense of like, this is a real world. These are real planets. These
are real characters. I just think it's unbelievable. And of course, the last couple of minutes when Vader shows up and just wreck shop on everybody, that's amazing as well. But Rogue One was just just to me Star Wars. If you had to tell someone what Star Wars is, watch this movie, and then come back and tell me what you think. Now the closest I've ever been to poop in my pants, watching the movie as a kid, not a horror movie, not a horror movie. It was Jurassic Park, and my own mind as a kid, I loved dinosaurs growing up. And the first time I saw this movie, my parents and I actually saw it in a drive in if you remember what those are. And we sat in our minivan, which at the time had this quote unquote kick ass sound system in our green minivan with tan interior. And we watched the first Jurassic Park on a giant drive and scream. And I was so scared afterwards, that the T Rex was going to stick its head in my second story window, and eat me. But you know, all seriousness, that is just groundbreaking in and of itself. And if you watch it now, some of the effects look a little dated, or whatever. But man, when that movie came out at the time, like, that was a dinosaur like that was real life dinosaurs. You finally saw what a dinosaur looked like. And I know that a lot of the look and everything has been debunked or whatever. But like, I mean, for an entire several generations. That's a dinosaur, right? You watched the first Jurassic Park movie, and you're like, Yep, those are what dinosaurs look like. Even if it's not true. Like that will always be in my head. But just awesome, great, great suspenseful movie. I know. There's some plot holes here and there. I thought they it was just groundbreaking and amazing. The subsequent ones, you know, not as good but then that first Jurassic Park movie, that scene with the T Rex at night in the rain, with the two, the two jeeps and everything on the rail, like just incredible. I mean, some of the best cinema you'll ever see. Just amazing. So hats off to dress apart
all right, let me dapper up here for a minute and I'm going to talk about another movie that I absolutely loved and just made me want to be these guys made me want to be cool like these guys, and that's Ocean's 11 Man and Ocean's 12 and 13 but really Ocean's 11 Just talking about Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Jason Bourne had Damon all in their prime, and then the rest of the supporting cast Don Cheadle, Julia Roberts, Anthony Garcia, like, you just goes on and on and on and on with, with everything, and just great, great, great movie. And I really love that each of those characters, you know, now when you see heist movies, or movies like that, even the Fast and the Furious movies kind of adopted the style, each character is just like, they have one trait like I'm cool guy, or I'm snarky girl, or whatever. And like that's, that's it. And each of those oceans characters were really developed. And they were given a lot more room to kind of grow as a character. So you really kind of felt like you were part of this ragtag group of thieves that were doing this heist. But the first one, just the dialogue. And the way that that Clooney and Brad Pitt and Matt Damon could just kind of play off of each other. I mean, that was the first time I really felt like, like they weren't acting right. They were just like hanging out. And this is how these guys are. And it was unbelievable. So 12 was still really good. I know a lot of people didn't like it. I thought it was really interesting. And I thought 13 was was fun, just to kind of wrap up the trilogy. It's just light hearted. But anytime that they're on TV or whatever, if I see him, I'll always stop and watch it. My favorite. My favorite in the entire trilogy is when Clooney and pet are sitting at the bar and the first one and including says, you think you need one more? You think you need one more? Okay, we'll get one more and just the way that that's played out is just great.
Okay, only three more to go. So just bear with me. When I was younger, college ish, man, this movie just grabbed me. I am not a car guy. I don't even know how to change my own oil or my own tire. I'm sorry, please don't think less of them. You can think a little less than me just not too much. But gone in 60 seconds when that movie came out. Holy shit. That movie was awesome. Even the opening scene where the race and the Porsche down the middle of the one of the boulevards in LA whatever that is. Just awesome stuff. And the reason it's kind of personal for me is when I was in high school, and kind of middle school grade school high school. Me and my friends just loved like exotic cars, the Porsches, the Lamborghinis, Ferraris, all that kind of stuff. And they were kind of a little bit more on the gearhead side of things or dad's you know, worked on cars and kind of knew their way around it. I just thought they look cool and loved seeing them in movies or you know, when you're driving around town or whatever. But when I was, I think a senior in high school, one of my dad's friends ended up having a brand new at the time, Porsche 911 Turbo. And it was a six speed manual. And when I was a kid, and learning how to drive, I insisted that my first car be a stick shift, so that if I ever had the chance to drive a Porsche, or Ferrari or something like that, that I would know how to do it, I would be able to do it. It talks about the foresight here for me. So one day, we're at this coffee shop and Iron Mountain, which is a town I grew up near where I grew up in, and the guy comes in, and he's holding on to his his Porsche keys, just kind of not even realizing it. And we're talking to him from him. And I said something about his Porsche keys or whatever. And he's like, come on outside. So walk outside, and he's like, showing me around the car, and he tells me the keys goes, here you go, let's go. So long story short, I got to drive this 911 Turbo, in your mouth up and down. And I was just hauling acid, there's this one part of town as you're going up, there's a little bit of a hill and there's a long stretch of road where it thinks speed limits like 50 or 60. It was them. And he said, Just go ahead, don't worry about the cops just open it up. And I think I hit over a little over 100 in like third gear. And that was the first and last time I've ever driven a car like that or ever driven that fast. But ever since then, I was just like, wow, and then like a year or two later gone in 60 seconds came out and I was like, that was me. That was me. So such a fun movie. Great cars. I know some of it might not be 100% accurate with the with Eleanor, the GT 500 or whatever. But just an amazing, fun lighthearted movie Nick Cage, primate cage. Just awesome. Awesome stuff.
Growing up in a one, stoplight town, surprising, but not really. That one of my favorite movies of all time with my buddies, we'd watch it all the time. Bad Boys, Will Smith, Martin Lawrence. And just a great movie. Super funny, great action at the time. Really well edited Michael Bay productions. So you know, like the explosions had explosions, but it was dialed back a little bit. And just that was like prime Will Smith and prime Martin Lawrence. How well that they work together. And I know now Will Smith kind of, you know, looked at it a little bit different light. But just an awesome movie at the time had the Porsche hit to Leona was in a doing her thing, but a really fun story. And really, really interesting because Will Smith almost didn't do that movie because he was still the Fresh Prince at the time. And there was concerns about him being in that movie with a bunch of language and sex scenes and all that and what that would do to kind of the reputation and sort of you know the impression of him as the Fresh Prince. But man, I'm glad he did. The second one is a lot of fun to second one's a little bit too long, but just great. Awesome. Bad bad boys. And bad boys too are just awesome peak Will Smith and Martin Lawrence and will always hold a special place in my heart my buddy sitting down in the basement just watching these movies on repeat.
And the last one, this is this last one I want to talk about. And the story on the front end is Chris Pratt, his This is not a Chris Pratt movie. Chris Pratt, I follow him on Instagram. And he posted a real or a video or something about him sitting on like a little scooter and his wife was walking by and he said something to the effect of I want to go for a ride. On my scooter I traded up for the van traded a trade up for the van or whatever, whatever the Dumb and Dumber quote is of that. And Dumb and Dumber is one of my all time favorite movies. But the reason the Chris Pratt thing is funny is somehow I saw that like 30 seconds after he posted it. And I commented on it. Why you go into the airport flying somewhere, which is a line from the Dumb and Dumber at the beginning. And he didn't respond, but I just posted it as a silly thing. And that was like a month ago. And that little comment that I made, has like 1200 likes of my comment. And I'm just like, What the hell so there's like this huge subset of like, just Dumb and Dumber, people that are obsessed with this movie. I say thank you, because that movie to me, is just about the funniest movie I've ever seen. I grew up when it was dumb and dumber, and Tommy Boy and Happy Gilmore. And that whole slew of movies and before that was you know Beverly Hills Cop and, and trading places and a lot of that and then after those movies were you know, it was old school and then eventually the hangover and everything. But for me when I was in high school Dumb and Dumber, was just the perfect movie my buddy and I used to just quote that on repeat all the time. It was so bad for him. He my buddy Ryan, he's gonna kill me for saying this. He had the audio track on cassette and he would put that in his car and just play it while he was driving around in his car. So here's this list. to the to the movie Dumb and Dumber, but just such a funny movie and one of the things now you look at it is those are two really accomplished actors. You know, Jim Carrey started out as a comedian and did all the funny Ace Ventura and masks and all that and Dumb and Dumber. But both of them him and Jeff Daniels are accomplished actors and they've done serious stuff and everything. It is really hard to be that be to act that dumb and be good at it and like the way that they pulled that off, and is really hard to do for Jeff Daniels, like this acclaimed actor to be able to act like a total idiot, but does it convincing and it serves the story, as opposed to just him looking like a schmuck. So such a just an unbelievable movie. The ending is the most infuriating thing in the world, which is why it's the perfect ending when this whole bus full of bikini models show up and they say we need to. We're looking for two new misuses to boil this up before every every competition and they're like totally into these two guys. And Jim Carrey goes, Well, you're in luck because there's a talent about 30 minutes that way. You're just like, No. So yeah, that is that is the funniest movie ever. So thank you for indulging me in this. Those are 10 movies that are personal to me that I absolutely love. I'm going to cover some food next time in about a month or two. Going to cover some TV shows, some drinks, some travel spots, that kind of stuff. Just sprinkle them in here and there. So thank you for indulging me. We'll be back next week with our regularly scheduled program on the story lesson advice podcast. Thanks for listening

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