Story. Lesson. Advice.

Sponsor I Wish I Had Mash Up: Episodes 1-11

Justin Olivares Season 2 Episode 12

Sponsor I Wish I Had, I talk all about Spiceology - The Periodic Table of Flavor. Great spices, seasoning and rubs that I use every week.
@spiceology on IG

Sponsor I Widh I Had, I talk about Melin Hats - worth the price as they look great, hold their shape and last forever.
@melin on IG

Sponsor I Wish I Had, I pump up Prepared Hero and their offering of safety products to help you at home and out and about.
@preparedhero on IG

Sponsor I Wish I Had, I mention Bourbon Barrel Foods - an entire company dishing out amazing sauces, seasonings, rubs and more, all with a hint (or more) of, you guessed it...bourbon .
@bourbonbarrelfoods on IG

Sponsor I Wish I Had: JBL Charge 5 speakers - these things are legit! I've had them for three years and I tell you why you need to run out and grab them.
@jblaudio on IG

The Sponsor I Wish I Had is Underwood Bubbles – a vineyard that among other things, produces bubbly in a can – great for outdoor events and affordable.
@unionwinecompany on IG

Sponsor I Wish I Had, it is all about coffee! The Phillips Latte Go 5400 is a fully automatic espresso machine that also makes milk based drinks such as lattes, cappuccinos, mochas, espresso, Americanos and more. The milk is external, which means much less cleaning!
@philipshomelivingna on IG

Sponsor I Wish I Had, shoes with style! The Travis Matthew Cuater shoe - lightweight, sexy looking, partially made from recycled materials.
@travismathew on IG

Sponsor I Wish I Had: Claim Defame and their Bomber Jacket
@claimdefame on IG

Sponsor I Wish I Had: Ultima Replenisher
@goultima on IG

Music by
music by Wondershare Filmora 12
@saturdayisdadurdaymedia on IG
@Saturdayisdadurdaymedia on YouTube

All right now it's time for today's sponsor I wish I had and today as you can see, today's sponsor I wish I had is spice ology the periodic table of flavor. These guys are awesome. They have over 300 spices, blends, rubs, salts, chilies, whatever. You got it. They are awesome. And these three right now are the favorites that I have currently, in my spice cabinet. This bottom one here is called Oh Canada, and it's a steak seasoning. And I use that just recently to put on two filets that I grilled, rare. And then I sliced them and put them over some marinated tomatoes and shallot and put a big old burrata ball right in the middle of that and that was just gobbled up by everybody. Really, really excellent flavor. This middle one here is an espresso chili rub called cowboy crust. And this is great for larger cuts of meat like a pork butts or like a brisket state Berta, Texas and I've used this really, really good stuff. I'm the only one in my family that likes the coffee kind of flavor on on large cuts of meat. So it's a little hard for me to eat a brisket by myself, but awesome stuff. And my current favorite right now the gold medalist in the spice cabinet is this raspberry Chipotle. This is one of the best spice rubs I've ever tasted period. And right now I've been putting it on chicken thighs that I grilled. And then just the other day I put it on some sweet potato fries and I put in the oven. And man I love that combination of the sweet and the spicy. And then you add a little smokiness in there it is just outstanding. So I cannot recommend these guys enough they have over 300 of spices blends, herbs marinade. You name it and it is fantastic. So check them out spice Spice ology the periodic table of flavor. Today's sponsor I wish I had. Okay, now it's time for today's sponsor I wish I had. And today's sponsor I wish I had is definitely a company you've seen over the last couple of years, they have been everywhere on social media. I was skeptical, Billy at first. But now I can tell you unequivocally that melon hats are the real deal. You've probably seen their ads on Instagram or Facebook or anywhere else. If you live in big cities, or at least the West half of the country. You've probably even seen them in stores by bought my first melon hat in the spring of 2021 When our pool was supposed to be completed, and I said I'm going to save this hat because it's waterproof. I'm going to save this hat and wear it for the pool. So I'm not going to wear it until our pool is done. And that was in the spring of 2021. Fast forward to the second week of August, before our pool was done. And that's when I finally put my melon hat on award in the pool. And I have had that as my pool hat now for going on three years. And it is absolutely awesome. Anybody that is in the market for a really good quality hat that holds it shape that's waterproof. That puts the work in with you. Melon hats is the way to go. Every single one of my friends that I've turned on to this has bought at least two hats. I'm on my second hat as well. So if you need a hat, waterproof, workout, hat, golf hat, whatever, you cannot go wrong with a melon hat invest in a hat that is going to work with you put the work in with you. And last for years to come. Mellon hats today's sponsor I wish I had. Now it's time for today's sponsor I wish I had and today's sponsor I wish I had is a company called prepared heroes. And I stumbled across them a couple of years ago, I think on Instagram. And what makes them unique is they have developed and sell a whole variety of products that are for residential use to help keep your family prepared and safe in the event of something bad like a fire or a flood or you're stranded with your car or something like that. I thought that was really ingenious, and it kind of related back to me. Back when I was cooking in kitchens, sometimes you'd have like a small little fire and I say fire like you know a couple of little flames that would pop up from a pan because of too much oil or something like that. And when you're there and you're in kitchen mode and work mode, you know, you've got lids that you can throw on the pan, you've got boxes assault, you can just dump on it to kill the flames. And you're just kind of in that mode where you just know how to respond and react to something. But if something like that were to happen at home, you probably aren't in that kind of a mode necessarily. Maybe you're just laying on the couch watching TV and your candle you know white something on fire or whatever. So there's a whole line of products that are even warming products like blankets and bags and stuff that is dry like a dry foam that can spray. You can spray on fires, walkie talkies, long range all that kind of stuff I think is really great. So I would highly encourage you to check out prepared That's their website. I think it's something especially if you have kids that families
should at least consider, it might not be in the budget for everybody to have additional products like that. But one or two products that I think is an absolute must just to be prepared in case something happens. So prepared hero, today's sponsor I wish I had. Now it's time for today's sponsor I wish I had. And today's sponsor I wish I had is something that I wish I had as a sponsor, and something I wish I had right now on my couch. And that is the couch console, their website, couch This is a unbelievable product, super innovative, Kickstarter is off the charts on this thing. A group of people have invented a caddy, a couch console that sits on your couch. What is amazing is not only does it have spots for your drink, and for your remotes and for your snacks, so you can have snacks and if you want when you're watching TV, but it's modular, so you can move things around, switch things in and out. And the drink. The cup holder is self leveling. So if anybody's had something on the couch, you sit down your couch cushion goes right and anything can spill or tip or whatever. So this is a super robust design. It's kind of self leveling with the drink portion of it. And it's modular so you can switch it up and have it make sense for you hold your video game controller, hold your remotes for the TV, drinks, snacks, notebooks, whatever. So couch Highly recommended. Go check them out. I'm going to be asking Santa for one for Christmas this year. Today's sponsor, I wish I had coach Alright, and now it's time for today's sponsor I wish I had and today's sponsor I wish I had is tied directly from my experience with our pool and it is the JBL Charge five. Now this is a speaker that I had purchased three of and I've used them together. And this is a waterproof speaker. It is dust proof, it is shock resistant. It is it can take a beating out in the sun all day long. It is by far one of the best investments I have ever made. And the battery lasts so long. I'll give you an example.
I had this at our house in Texas that had not been charged for two, three months, it had sat on our counter. And then when we moved to Arizona, it got packed up and it sat in storage until we moved into this house in the springtime. And then it was a late spring before we actually use the speaker in at the pool at our house and played some music and I had not been charged that entire time. And we still got a couple of hours of music out of it before we even had to charge it. So great battery life waterproof, dustproof, Sun proof, Justin proof, it is unbelievable. And one of the cool things about it on the top, the control panel here it might be hard to see on the screen. But there's a button where you can daisy chain these things together as many as you want. I think it's called connector party boosters, something like that. With JBL basically you can connect as many of these speakers as you have and set them up all around which is exactly what I did. I got three of them and I kind of connected them and then put them all around the pool facing inward. And then as you're in the pool, the music is there but you don't have to have the volume cranked on the speakers. So it's not crazy loud all around your backyard and it's not crazy loud for the neighbors and the music is facing inward. So JBL Charge five today's sponsor I wish I had right now it's time for today's sponsor I wish I had and I just so happened to have one tin left today's sponsor I wish I had is Bourbon Barrel foods. This is a company that makes spices, seasonings, rubs, sauces and a whole bunch more all with that Kentucky hug built in. They are a brand that I've been using for years. I've given them away as gifts to a lot of customers to friends I've ordered myself gifts for a lot of times, but they are based in Kentucky they make an entire line of all these products bourbon barrel is their website. If you are grilling, smoking, you want to make some fun dishes inside as the weather's getting cold maybe you can't get outside for grilling and you want to add a really unique flavor punch to what you're doing even pastas, all sorts of dishes Bourbon Barrel foods 100% Totally worth it. The one that I have left here is a chili and coffee rub and that is great used to live in Texas so put that on a brisket state Berta Texas and man that is just great right as rain. They have a bunch of other seasonings some are spicy, some offer all different types of flavor profiles and they all have like I said that hint of bourbon built in some more prominent than others but really great product bourbon barrel Bourbon Barrel foods today's sponsor I wish I had Oh
before the lesson, it's time for today's sponsor I wish I had. And unfortunately for the video audience, I do not have a can of this. But there is a company that produces bubbles, champagne bubbles, which is some of my favorites, even my wife, they are called Underwood. And they produce bubbles in a variety of ways. But my favorite way that they do it is in a 12 ounce can and they also have Pinot Noir and a Can I think Chardonnay and a can or something. But the Underwood bubbles, it's a can. And it is one of my favorite things. It's incredibly budget friendly. It's like five or six bucks that can 12 ounces. So basically two glasses. And the reason that I like this so much is because my wife and I have used this a million times going with other friends, we have some great friends that we always go to the arboretum used to go to the arboretum with, we lived in Dallas, like this big outdoor area with lots of flowers and decorations and everything, you kind of make a makeshift picnic or whatever. But these cans are perfect because you just crack them open instead of bringing a huge bottle of bubbly, and with glass and everything and it's just aluminum cans, and you can recycle them afterwards. So I highly recommend if you can find them in the store should be available at any grocery store at a Total Wine, maybe at some liquor stores, Underwood bubbles, check them out today's sponsor I wish I had.
All right now it's time for today's sponsor I wish I had. And today's sponsor I wish I had is a product that I have had for a couple of years. And my wife and I absolutely love it. We are both huge coffee fans. I'm more of the fan of actual coffee. My wife is a fan of drinks that are coffee adjacent, that tend to have a lot more syrup and flavorful yumminess and less coffee flavor, but we both like quote unquote coffee and coffee drinks. So we got a Keurig for years. And we just you know dump a gallon of creamer and sugar into all of our all of our drinks every single morning. And eventually we decided to get a new coffee machine and one of the criteria for me. Because in my career, I sell commercial coffee machines. And a lot of these machines that I sell, have milk coolers that are attached to the machine. And you can do milk based drinks like lattes and cappuccinos. And the milk will run through the machine. And then it kind of makes the drink all at once. And that's great. The only thing problem with that and it's not a problem for a commercial foodservice operation is the cleaning because the milk is running through the machine running through tubes in the machine. So there's a lot of cleaning involved to make sure that milk doesn't build up and coagulate and all that. So one of our run criteria my criteria for buying this machine was I really wanted to find one that had an external milk source. So that the cleaning of the machine was just cleaning the water in the coffee that went through the machine not also have to cleaning the milk that was going through the machine. And lo and behold, we found it. The Philips latte go 5400 This machine is the cat's pajamas, the bee's knees. The greatest thing in the world. It has an external milk craft that attaches right to the machine so you don't have to do anything yourself. It is a super automatic one touch machine where you push a button and it makes your drink you can do lattes cappuccinos, macchiatos. mochas regular coffee Americano is espresso is the whole nine yards. So it really offers a ton of flexibility. It's got a huge water reservoir so you can have multiple cups of coffee before you have to worry about filling this up or if you have friends staying over because you had too much to drink the night before whatever, you don't have to worry about having to refill the watercraft or the reservoir every every two minutes. It's got a huge Hopper for beans which is really cool. And it's just a great machine. It's super easy to use super easy to clean. And I highly recommend it we bought ours through I believe William Sonoma, but if you go to Philips website, you can find the latte go 5400 There are a couple of different versions of the machine. Each one that goes up includes additional features so I would highly rec recommend that if you like coffee if you'd like milk based drinks especially as we're into the colder colder part of the year and it's almost Christmas time. You might need to put this on Santos list, the Philips latte go 5400 today's sponsor I wish I had All right and now it's time for today's sponsor I wish I had and today's sponsor I wish I had is a fantastic product and I have used for a long time and also kind of makes me feel a little older but that's okay because I am a little older. You might be able to see this if you're watching on YouTube on the Saturday is Saturday media channel on YouTube. But what I am showing here for this week is a Travis Matthew product everybody knows the brand Travis Matthew and this is a shoe called the quatre except it's spelled see you a t e r so hard to spell hard to pronounce. Not hard to wear and
Not hard to absolutely love. These are some shoes, this color is in navy. And I bought these shoes because I don't know if anybody else feels this way, but shoes to me, they have to speak to me. And if you look behind me on video, you can see I've got a couple of pair of Jordans that my good friend Ryan got me for my 40th birthday. But shoes have to speak to me, I can't just go buy a pair of shoes and be fine as we talk about practical ways to spend your money like I did not do in my 20s. But when I think about shoes, they have to speak to me they have to say you need these right now. And one of the things that difficult is as we as a society are kind of transitioning into sort of this business athleisure casual wear for a lot of stuff is finding clothes and shoes that strike that balance of hey, I can wear this to a business meaning I can wear this on a date, I can wear this to get groceries, I can wear this with a nice buttoned down whatever. And it used to be you kind of had your formal, you know expensive dress shoes that were not very comfortable that you would wear and then you had kind of your casual shoes that you could wear on a casual Friday, but there wasn't really something it was hard to find a good pair of shoes to fit in between. So that's what this is. The Travis Matthew quatre. These are super lightweight, they're breathable, they're made from partly recycled materials. I have them in the navy color. They're incredibly comfortable. They're incredibly easy to put on and take off which as we get older is definitely helpful. So I recommend check these out on their website on their Instagram page. I actually went into the store over in Scottsdale, close to where I live. And everybody there that helped me couldn't have been more helpful. It was a really cool store they have a unbelievable pool table that I believe is all glass when you walk in it's either a pool table or ping pong table but it is awesome. So if you are near Travis Matthews store, go and check it out. If you're not get online check these shoes out the Travis Matthew quatre shoes today's sponsor I wish I had
Alright, now it's time for this week's sponsor I wish I had and this week's sponsor I wish I had is what I'm actually wearing right now. For those of you who are watching on YouTube are seeing this clip on Instagram. You can see this totally amazing, sexy, unbelievably cool. The greatest thing in the world bomber jacket by claim to fame. And I totally stumbled across this brand on Instagram six months ago four months ago and mediately was like okay, I see you I like it. And I kept coming back to it coming back to it. And I was looking as I get you know older now I'm 42 going to be 43 in the spring. And you know everybody every guy kind of went through the buttoned down phase right where you just sort of were buttoned down with jeans. And that's it and before that you went through the the graphic T phase where everybody has a you know a graphic t shirt on and I was kind of looking for what's kind of a look that I can wear going forward as I get a little bit older that I can pair with a variety of different things that can work for you know, meeting with you know co workers that can be a date night that can be family pictures, which you might have seen that I have another jacket like this and from claim to fame but this is 100% one of the best products that I've ever purchased. This is a look that I absolutely love just a t shirt with a bomber jacket like this. It is incredibly lightweight. The fabric is super soft, it drapes very very well all over my body. That's kind of gross, but it really does drapes well. It rests well. It's super lightweight, it's warm, but it's breathable. It looks great with a pair of jeans, with a pair of chinos. You can wear it kind of any way that you want I have a just with a solid color t shirt underneath it but these are bomber jackets from claim to fame. And they are forever going to be in my wardrobe and something else that went above and beyond is I actually bought two of these. And I was trying to figure out which size was going to be the best for me and I was able to return the product for free. And when I did that the owner followed up with me and said hey, if you'd like these were buy one get one 50% off. Why don't you if you want I'll extend you the 50% off and you can switch this out for another jacket another color if you want. And the owner's name is Tom and couldn't have been nicer couldn't have been more helpful. And this is the the second jacket it's like a charcoal gray with black and this color was more expensive than the other one I didn't realize that and before I could even realize that and apologize and try to find another one he agreed to honor the lower price that I had bought the first jacket for and swap me out at 50% So I got you know even a double deal just because of how helpful he was and how nice he was. So when you have a great product and you go above and beyond for your customers when you don't have to, to me that speaks volumes about the type of company you are in
type of people that you have in your company. So, this week's sponsor I wish I had is claim to fame and their bomber jackets. They also have other products like shirts and pants. But these bomber jackets are really awesome. I have two of them. And I will probably be getting a third for Christmas as soon as I finished writing the list. So this week's sponsor, I wish I had claim to fame bomber jackets. Oh, all right now it's time for this week's sponsor I wish I had. And this week, the sponsor I wish I had is something that I have discovered maybe three or four months ago, my wife discovered it actually. And she and I have been using it regularly. Because both of us try to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Both of us used to years ago drink a ton of diet soda. Every day, I used to work in outside sales. So I would grab you know, a 20 ounce a Diet Mountain Dew, a 20 ounce a diet Aw, a 20 ounce of Diet Dr. Pepper. And that was usually what got me at least through the mid afternoon. But I would drink a ton of soda every day. And so with my wife, and about probably six or seven years ago, we both just kind of said like, All right, we got to stop drinking diet soda, we got to we got to start drinking more water. So we discovered sparkling water. And we started just dominating Kansas sparkling water. Like it was going out of style. And Topo Chico, which is the greatest sparkling water in the world. So we were just slamming that stuff. And it was good because we both like the carbonated fizz that you get from from soda. But we're like, Hey, we're drinking sparkling water. But a lot of the stuff that we were drinking had, you know, flavor additives and all of that. So was it better than drinking soda? I don't know, maybe. So we said alright, we got to do kind of our own thing. So we just kind of switched to just drinking water. And then intermittently we would you know, sprinkle in a sparkling water or Gatorade zero or whatever. But we were still looking for something that just you know, once a day twice a day kind of at the most just given us a little bit of flavor a little bit different experience than just a gallon of water all day long. So lo and behold, living in Arizona, so 120 degrees outside during the summer, we stumbled upon Ultima replenisher. And this is a hydration powder that you can put in your water mix it up and it is super flavorful. It bumps up your electrolytes rehydrates you there's a little bit of sodium in there to make sure if you're sweating it off all day long that you can you can still recover from it from from the experience and this is the flavor that we're using today which is a cherry pomegranate. It is absolutely awesome. We have one that our house my wife has one at our office. Take about one scoop a day, sometimes two scoops a day. If we're really outside a lot or whatever, I throw it in about 30 ounces of water and that's just a really great break from just drinking regular water and it's hydrating and it's electrolytes and all the things so I highly recommend Ultima replenisher if you are looking for a break you're looking to try to make sure you stick to water but just kind of need something once in a while or if you're like I am and you're out in the desert and the summertime is just unbearable. So if you're outside if you're on a golf course, maybe if you've had too much to drink the night before and you need something or even during the during your drinking extravaganza. Break it up with one of these to take hydrate yourself. So ultimate replenisher this week's sponsor I wish I had Oh

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